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  • Step 1
    If you're passionate about aviation and would like the experience to fly an aircraft you've come to the right place. Reach out and contact a flight instructor at the club to arrange a Trial Introductory Flight (TIF). The majority of flights are conducted on Friday and Saturday's unless otherwise arranged.
  • Step 2
    Before buckling into the cockpit you will first spend half an hour in a classroom with one of our friendly instructors. Here you'll cover the basics of aerodynamics, and what you can expect to see and feel once your flight commences. Once the briefing has concluded, your instructor will accompany you to the aircraft and take you through a pre-flight inspection.
  • Step 3
    Once the preliminaries are completed it is time to do what you came here to do… fly! On the TIF your instructor will use a method called Demo, Direct and Supervise, whereby they show you a particular task and talk you through it; once you’re comfortable, they’ll sit back and watch you accomplish it all by yourself. During this exhilarating flight you’ll get hands on control of the aircraft and learn various aircraft manoeuvres. All this occurs while safely under the supervision and control of your qualified instructor.
  • Step 4
    Once you’ve returned safely on the ground and the aircraft is parked you'll return to the classroom for a debriefing session. Here your instructor will assess your competency and help you connect the theory with what you learnt beforehand and what happened during the flight. This gives you an opportunity to ask your instructor any questions you have about the experience. Your instructor can outline the best way for you to take the next step in your training; whether that’s flying for fun, or to begin forging your new career in aviation. We believe that once you have experienced the initial thrill of flying, like us, you too will be hooked!
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